Our Citrus Heights sprinkler repair team knows that there are hundreds of things that can go wrong with your sprinkler system. The problem is they all present with the same type of symptoms – brown spots on the lawn, poor sprinkler head coverage, and a general inability to get water where it needs to be. Figuring out which of the hundred problems is causing the system to fail isn't an easy task. It requires detailed knowledge about how the entire system works. Many sprinkler repair guys simply don't have this knowledge. Handymen and plumbers that do sprinkler repair on the side may not be able to diagnose the problem or may not be able to fix it correctly. While they may have some of the required skills to make rudimentary adjustments, they simply don't have the in-depth knowledge to quickly diagnose and repair your system in a way that will last. Our Citrus Height sprinkler repair team only does sprinkler repair, so we know exactly what to look for and how to fix it right the first time.
Once the repair has been made, our team will recalibrate the system. A properly calibrated sprinkler system will save you both time and money. When we optimize your irrigation system, it will deliver exactly the right amount of water to each area of your lawn twice a week. The system will also prevent over and under watering so your turf will look its best throughout the summer. Even if you don't need a repair, a properly maintained system is the key to saving money and having a great looking yard and we've got the techs to do it.
Our Citrus Heights sprinkler repair team can get your system running perfectly in just a few steps. First we'll do a test run with the current set-up you have to identify any problem areas in the set-up. If any leaks or other major problems are discovered, we'll fix them before proceeding. Last, we will make pressure adjustments to the system and re orient each individual pop-up head.
"They were able to bump up my appointment and get the job done for less than they quoted."
- Malia M.
Another area that we specialize in is backflow devices. We have experience with double check valve assemblies, pressure vacuum breakers, reduced pressure zone assemblies and atmospheric vacuum breakers, so no matter which backflow device you have installed, we can service it. We also install backflow cages or enclosures to protect these devices from damage due to kids, critters and lawn equipment. We even have fake rock enclosures to help the device blend into the landscape.
The key to a great sprinkler system is the ability to deliver water consistently at the best time of the day. The best time to water a lawn is in the pre dawn hours. Our Citrus Heights irrigation repair & installation team suggests adding a controller to your system that will automate the entire watering system. This is the best way to assure that your lawn gets the same amount of water every time at the most optimum time of day. A manual system relies on your to turn it on and off, and let's face it, you purchased a sprinkler system to avoid that. Call in our Citrus Heights sprinkler repair team and reclaim your free time while still maintaining a lawn to envy.
For a great irrigation contractor in Texas, visit our friends in Grapevine. For service in the Bay Area, we recommend Vallejo Sprinkler Repair.